InterfaceGuard<T>: CopyTagged<"guard:interfaceGuard", InterfaceGuardPayload<T>>

Characterize dynamic behavior such as method argument/response signatures and promise awaiting.

The @endo/exo! package uses InterfaceGuards as the first level of defense for Exo objects against malformed input.

For example:

const AsyncSerializerI = M.interface('AsyncSerializer', {
// This interface has a single method, which is async as indicated by M.callWhen().
// The method accepts a single argument, consumed with an implied `await` as indicated by M.await(),
// and the result of that implied `await` is allowed to fulfill to any value per M.any().
// The method result is a string as indicated by M.string(),
// which is inherently wrapped in a promise by the async nature of the method.
getStringOf: M.callWhen(M.await(M.any())).returns(M.string()),
const asyncSerializer = makeExo('AsyncSerializer', AsyncSerializerI, {
// M.callWhen() delays invocation of this method implementation
// while provided argument is in a pending state
// (i.e., it is a promise that has not yet settled).
getStringOf(val) { return String(val); },

const stringP = asyncSerializer.getStringOf(Promise.resolve(42n));
isPromise(stringP); // => true
await stringP; // => "42"

Type Parameters