Tagged has own [PASS_STYLE]: "tagged", [Symbol.toStringTag]: $tag.
Remotable has a prototype chain in which the penultimate object has own [PASS_STYLE]: "remotable", [Symbol.toStringTag]: $iface (where both $tag and $iface must be strings, and the latter must either be "Remotable" or start with "Alleged: " or "DebugName: ").
Tagged has own [PASS_STYLE]: "tagged", [Symbol.toStringTag]: $tag.
Remotable has a prototype chain in which the penultimate object has own [PASS_STYLE]: "remotable", [Symbol.toStringTag]: $iface (where both $tag and $iface must be strings, and the latter must either be "Remotable" or start with "Alleged: " or "DebugName: ").