interface AssertionUtilities {
    Fail(template: string[] | TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any): never;
    bare(payload: any, spaces?: string | number): StringablePayload;
    details(template: string[] | TemplateStringsArray, ...args: any): DetailsToken;
    error(details?: Details, errConstructor?: GenericErrorConstructor, options?: AssertMakeErrorOptions): Error;
    note(error: Error, details: Details): void;
    quote(payload: any, spaces?: string | number): StringablePayload;


  • Use the Fail function as a template literal tag to efficiently create and throw a details-style error only when a condition is not satisfied.

    condition || Fail`...complaint...`;

    This avoids the overhead of creating usually-unnecessary errors like

    assert(condition, details`...complaint...`);

    while improving readability over alternatives like

    condition ||`...complaint...`);

    However, due to current weakness in TypeScript, static reasoning is less powerful with the || patterns than with an assert call. Until/unless is fixed, for ||-style assertions where this loss of static reasoning is a problem, instead express the assertion as

      if (!condition) {

    or, if needed,

      if (!condition) {
    // `throw` is noop since `Fail` throws, but it improves static analysis
    throw Fail`...complaint...`;


    • template: string[] | TemplateStringsArray
    • Rest...args: any

    Returns never

  • Embed a string directly into error details without wrapping punctuation. To avoid injection attacks that exploit quoting confusion, this must NEVER be used with data that is possibly attacker-controlled. As a further safeguard, we fall back to quoting any input that is not a string of sufficiently word-like parts separated by isolated spaces (rather than throwing an exception, which could hide the original problem for which explanatory details are being constructed---i.e., assert.details`...` should never be the source of a new exception, nor should an attempt to render its output, although we could instead decide to handle the latter by inline replacement similar to that of bestEffortStringify for producing rendered messages like (an object) was tagged "[Unsafe bare string]").


    • payload: any

      What to declassify

    • Optionalspaces: string | number

    Returns StringablePayload

  • Use the details function as a template literal tag to create informative error messages. The assertion functions take such messages as optional arguments:

    assert(sky.isBlue(), details`${sky.color} should be "blue"`);

    or following the normal convention to locally rename details to X and quote to q like const { details: X, quote: q } = assert;:

    assert(sky.isBlue(), X`${sky.color} should be "blue"`);

    However, note that in most cases it is preferable to instead use the Fail template literal tag (which has the same input signature as details but automatically creates and throws an error):

    sky.isBlue() || Fail`${sky.color} should be "blue"`;

    The details template tag returns a DetailsToken object that can print itself with the formatted message in two ways. It will report full details to the console, but mask embedded substitution values with their typeof information in the thrown error to prevent revealing secrets up the exceptional path. In the example above, the thrown error may reveal only that sky.color is a string, whereas the same diagnostic printed to the console reveals that the sky was green. This masking can be disabled for an individual substitution value using quote.

    The raw property of an input template array is ignored, so a simple array of strings may be provided directly.


    • template: string[] | TemplateStringsArray
    • Rest...args: any

    Returns DetailsToken

  • Aka the makeError function as imported from @endo/errors

    Recording unredacted details for the console.


    Returns Error

  • Aka the annotateError function as imported from @endo/errors

    Annotate an error with details, potentially to be used by an augmented console such as the causal console of console.js, to provide extra information associated with logged errors.


    Returns void

  • To "declassify" and quote a substitution value used in a details`...` template literal, enclose that substitution expression in a call to quote. This makes the value appear quoted (as if with JSON.stringify) in the message of the thrown error. The payload itself is still passed unquoted to the console as it would be without quote.

    For example, the following will reveal the expected sky color, but not the actual incorrect sky color, in the thrown error's message:

    sky.color === expectedColor || Fail`${sky.color} should be ${quote(expectedColor)}`;

    The normal convention is to locally rename details to X and quote to q like const { details: X, quote: q } = assert;, so the above example would then be

    sky.color === expectedColor || Fail`${sky.color} should be ${q(expectedColor)}`;


    • payload: any

      What to declassify

    • Optionalspaces: string | number

    Returns StringablePayload